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Best way to compare an array of strings to an array objects with string properties?

I have an array of object, within those objects is a name property.

const objArr = [ { name: "Avram" }, { name: "Andy" } ];

I'm collecting an array of strings from an outside source containing names.

const strArr = [ "Avram", "Andy", "Brandon" ];

If strArr contains a string that does not exist as a property name on an object in objArr , I need to create a new object and push it to objArr .

For example: objArr.push( { name: "Brandon" } );

Obviously, I can use nested loops, but I'd like to avoid that if possible. What is the best way to do this programmatically?

like this

 const objArr = [ { name: "Avram" }, { name: "Andy" } ]; const strArr = [ "Avram", "Andy", "Brandon" ]; const names= objArr.map(x => x.name); strArr.forEach(str => { if (! names.includes(str) ) { objArr.push({name: str}); } }); console.log(objArr); 

 function fillMissing(arr, names) { names.forEach(name => { // for each name in names if(arr.every(obj => obj.name !== name)) { // if every object obj in the array arr has a name diferent than this name (this name doesn't exist in arr) arr.push({name}); // then add an object with that name to arr } }); } const objArr = [ { name: "Avram" }, { name: "Andy" } ]; const strArr = [ "Avram", "Andy", "Brandon" ]; fillMissing(objArr, strArr); console.log(objArr); 

Map objArr to same structure as strArr . Then concat the 2 arrays. Run it through a Set to remove duplicates, then re map to correct array of object

 const objArr = [ { name: "Avram" }, { name: "Andy" }, { name: "John"} ]; const strArr = [ "Avram", "Andy", "Brandon" ]; const res = Array.from(new Set(objArr.map(i=>i.name).concat(strArr))).map(i=>({name:i})) console.log(res); 

 const objArr = [ { name: "Avram" }, { name: "Andy" } ]; const strArr = [ "Avram", "Andy", "Brandon" ]; const objNamesArr = objArr.map((obj) => obj.name) strArr.forEach((ele) => objNamesArr.indexOf(ele) == -1 && objArr.push({name:ele})) console.log('objArr', objArr); console.log('strArr', strArr); 

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