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Oracle get table names based on column value

I have table like this:


each table is having many columns and one of the column name is employee_id.

Now, I want to write a query which will

1) return all the tables which is having this columns and

2) results should show the tables if the column is having values or empty values by passing employee_id.

eg show table name, column name from Table-1, Table-2,Table-3,... where employee_id='1234'.

If one of the table doesn't have this column, then it is not required to show.

I have verified with link , but it shows only table name and column name and not by passing some column values to it.

Also verified this , but here verifies from entire schema which I dont want to do it.


Found a solution, but by using xmlsequence which is deprecated ,

1)how do I make this code as xmltable?

2) If there are no values in the table, then output should have empty/null. or default as "YES" value

WITH  char_cols AS
  (SELECT /*+materialize */ table_name, column_name
   FROM   cols
  WHERE  data_type IN ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR2') and table_name in ('Table-1','Table-2','Table-3','Table-4','Table-5')) 
SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR (:val, 1, 11) "Employee_ID",
       SUBSTR (table_name, 1, 14) "Table",
       SUBSTR (column_name, 1, 14) "Column"
FROM   char_cols,
       TABLE (xmlsequence (dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype ('select "'
       || column_name
       || '" from "'
       || table_name
       || '" where upper("'
       || column_name
       || '") like upper(''%'
       || :val
       || '%'')' ).extract ('ROWSET/ROW/*') ) ) t ORDER  BY "Table" 

Just try to use code below. Pay your attention that may be nessecery clarify scheme name in loop. This code works for my local db. set serveroutput on;

  ex_query VARCHAR(300);
  num      NUMBER;
  emp_id number;
  emp_id := <put your value>;
  FOR rec IN
  (SELECT table_name
  FROM all_tab_columns
  WHERE column_name LIKE upper('employee_id')
    num      :=0;
    ex_query := 'select count(*) from ' || rec.table_name || ' where employee_id = ' || emp_id;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ex_query into num;
    if (num>0) then
    end if;

I tried with the xml thing, but I get an error I cannot solve. Something about a zero size result. How difficult is it to solve this instead of raising exception?! Ask Oracle.

Anyway. What you can do is use the COLS table to know what table has the employee_id column.

1) what table from table TABLE_LIKE_THIS (I assume column with table names is C ) has this column?

 select * 
  where cols.table_name = t
    and cols.column_name = 'EMPLOYEE_ID' 
 -- think Oracle metadata/ think upper case

2) Which one has the value you are looking for: write a little chunk of Dynamic PL/SQL with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to count the tables matching above condition

  v_id varchar2(10) := 'JP1829';       -- value you are looking for
  v_col varchar2(20) := 'EMPLOYEE_ID'; -- column
  n_c  number := 0;
  for x in (
   select table_name
     from all_tab_columns cols
        , TABLE_LIKE_THIS t
    where cols.table_name = t.c
      and cols.column_name = v_col
  ) loop
    'select count(1) from '||x.table_name
  ||' where Nvl('||v_col||', ''@#'') = ''' ||v_id||''''  -- adding quotes around string is a little specific
    INTO n_c;
    if n_c > 0 then
      dbms_output.put_line(n_C|| ' in ' ||x.table_name||' has '||v_col||'='||v_id);
    end if;
  -- idem for null values
  -- ... ||' where '||v_col||' is null '
  -- or
  -- ... ||' where Nvl('||v_col||', ''@#'') = ''@#'' '
  end loop;

Hope this helps

This query can be done in one step using the (non-deprecated) XMLTABLE.

Sample Schema

--Table-1 and Table-2 match the criteria.
--Table-3 has the right column but not the right value.
--Table-4 does not have the right column.
create table "Table-1" as select '1234' employee_id from dual;
create table "Table-2" as select '1234' employee_id from dual;
create table "Table-3" as select '4321' employee_id from dual;
create table "Table-4" as select 1          id from dual;


--All tables with the column EMPLOYEE_ID, and the number of rows where EMPLOYEE_ID = '1234'.
select table_name, total
    --Get XML results of dynamic query on relevant tables and columns.
                --Create a SELECT statement on each table, UNION ALL'ed together.
                select listagg(
                    'select '''||table_name||''' table_name, count(*) total
                     from "'||table_name||'" where employee_id = ''1234'''
                    ,' union all'||chr(10)) within group (order by table_name) v_sql
                from user_tab_columns
                where column_name = 'EMPLOYEE_ID'
        ) xml
    from dual
) x
cross join
--Convert the XML data to relational.
    passing x.xml
        table_name varchar2(128) path 'TABLE_NAME',
        total      number        path 'TOTAL'


----------   -----
Table-1      1
Table-2      1
Table-3      0

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