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Maven project runs sql-maven-plugin executions from dependency

How can I configure my Maven pom.xml and/or sql-maven-plugin so that the unit test related DB executions I've specified in my dependency, lib.example.jdbc , don't get executed when building the pom.xml of my project com.example.project ? Currently when I run mvn clean install on the pom.xml for com.example.project I find that my SQL database has tables that were created in lib.example.jdbc . One obvious workaround is to use different properties for mysql.database in each pom.xml file but i feel the bigger problem is that the library's (dependency) db executions are being run in the test phase of the main project. I cant imagine this being correct since one can have hundreds of pom.xml dependencies with their own tests and db executions that shouldn't be run when building the final project.

UPDATE: A Spring annotation was the culprit as discovered in my answer so I updated the question tags to reflect that.

Here is the relevant sample from the pom.xml of lib.example.jdbc :

                <!--all executions are ignored if -Dmaven.test.skip=true-->
                        <sqlCommand>create database if not exists `${mysql.database}`</sqlCommand>

And here is the relevant sample from the pom.xml of com.example.project :


            <!--all executions are ignored if -Dmaven.test.skip=true-->
                    <sqlCommand>drop database if exists `${mysql.database}`</sqlCommand>
                    <sqlCommand>create database `${mysql.database}`</sqlCommand>

After further investigation, it seems the problem is not with the sql-maven-plugin but instead with the way a Spring annotation (@Sql) gets executed when running com.example.project tests from a test scoped configuration in lib.example.jdbc . Here is the class level annotation in lib.example.jdbc that was causing problems for me. I moved the code from my schema.sql and data.sql into my pom.xml <sqlCommand> block and it was no longer executed when testing com.example.project .

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestConfig.class})
@Sql(executionPhase = Sql.ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD, scripts = {"classpath:schema.sql","classpath:data.sql"})
public class DataDaoTest {

    public void testRetrieval() throws Exception {

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