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Java 8 stream - Merge maps and calculate average of “values”

Let's say I have a List of classes that each has a Map .

public class Test {
    public Map<Long, Integer> map;

the Long keys in the Map are timestamps and the Integer values are scores.

I am trying to create a Stream that can combine the maps from all objects and output a Map with the unique Timestamps (The Long s) and an average score.

I have this code, but it gives me the sum of all the scores and not the average (The Integer class doesn't have an average method).

Test test1 = new Test();
    test1.map = new HashMap() {{
        put(1000L, 1);
        put(2000L, 2);
        put(3000L, 3);

    Test test2 = new Test();
    test2.map = new HashMap() {{
        put(1000L, 10);
        put(2000L, 20);
        put(3000L, 30);

    List<Test> tests = new ArrayList() {{

    Map<Long, Integer> merged = tests.stream()
            .map(test -> test.map)


I'm thinking that this might not be an easy problem so solve in a single Stream , so an output with a Map with the unique timestamps and a List of all the scores would also be fine. Then I can calculate the average myself.

Map<Long, List<Integer>> 

It it possible?

Instead of Collectors.toMap use Collectors.groupingBy :

Map<Long, Double> merged = tests.stream()
        .map(test -> test.map)

Oh, and even though you probably don't need it anymore, you can get the Map<Long, List<Integer>> you asked about in the last part of your question just as easily:

Map<Long, List<Integer>> merged = tests.stream()
    .map(test -> test.map)
                    Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.toList())

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