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Java stream API - avoid using same predicate twice to calculate average

class A {
    double value;
    String key;

class B {
    List<A> aList;

Given List<B> bList , I want to calculate the average of the value s for a specific key k . Assume each B can hold only 0 or 1 times an instance of A with key.equals(k) .

I figured I could first filter aList , and later extract the value using mapToDouble :

double average = blist.stream().filter(
    b -> b.aList.stream().anyMatch(
        a -> a.key.equals(k)
    b -> b.aList.stream().filter(
        a -> a.key.equals(k)

But there is clearly a redundancy here, since I am filtering the same list by the same predicate twice ( a -> a.key.equals(k) ).

Is there a way to mapToDouble while omitting elements with missing matching key s at the same time?


Here is a more concrete example, hopefully it will make it easier to understand:

String courseName;


double average = students.stream().filter(
    student -> student.getGrades().stream().anyMatch(
        grade -> grade.getCourseName().equals(courseName)
    student -> student.getGrades().stream().filter(
        grade -> grade.getCourseName().equals(courseName)

System.out.println(courseName + " average: " + average);

Try this:

double average = bList.stream()
        .flatMap(b -> b.aList.stream())
        .filter(a -> a.key.equals(k))
        .mapToDouble(a -> a.value)

If your objects have private field and getters, which they really should, it'd be like this:

double average = bList.stream()
        .filter(a -> a.getKey().equals(k))

Try this.

double average = blist.stream()
    .map(b -> b.aList.stream()
        .filter(a -> a.key.equals(k))
    .filter(a -> a.isPresent())
    .mapToDouble(a -> a.get().value)

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