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Python: create a directory with 777 permissions

I'm making a program that creates a folder using os.makedirs("foo") . But when I open Windows 10 files explorer and right click on the new directory that has been created, I noticed that it was not possible to delete the folder without administrator privileges. So how do you create a folder with the permission to recursively delete this folder ?

I create the directory using: os.makedirs("data/base/{}".format(args[0].text), mode=0o777)

I delete it using:

def delete_class(self, *args):
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk("data/base/{}".format(self.clicked_class_to_delete.id), topdown=False):
            for name in files:
                filename = os.path.join(root, name)
                os.chmod(filename, stat.S_IWUSR)
            for name in dirs:
                os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))


也许你需要做的os.umask(0)之前os.makedir ,去除掩模为当前用户。



From the documentation: os.makedirs(name, mode=0o777, exist_ok=False)

You can find the documentation here .

Time stamped based directory. With full permission.

now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d%H%M")
dirName = "/var/name-{}".format(now)

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