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Multi-tenant authentication, IMustHaveTenant entity in ASP.NET Boilerplate Module Zero

Multi-Tenant Authentication

I have created a new tenant from the swagger UI as an admin and I can check in the data the tenant created successfully together with admin account .

Now how do I login as the admin of the newly created tenant?

Cos I tried Token-authenticating via Postman, specifying tenancyName in the request body and it only seems to authenticate the admin from default tenant - even when I put in rubbish in the tenancyName field, it won't detect any error or exception.

I check the configuration value in the CoreModule.cs and MultiTenancyEnabled has been set to true


Entity Relation with Tenant

Also I would like to relate one of my entity with the tenant entity. So I based the class on IMustHaveTenant interface along side FullAuditedEntity like this:

public class Rule: FullAuditedEntity, IMustHaveTenant
    public string columnA { get; set; }
    public string columnB { get; set; }
    public string columnC { get; set; }
    public int TenantId { get; set; }

Is it enough or do I have to further put in any codes in the DbContext ?

Now how do I login as the admin of the newly created tenant?

For Token Based Authentication , send the tenant id in the Abp.TenantId header.

In Postman, click on Headers , add the Key as Abp.TenantId and the Value as your tenant id. If you just created a new tenant, that would be 2 as there is a Default tenant with id 1.

Also I would like to relate one of my entity with the tenant entity. [...] Is it enough or do I have to further put in any codes in the DbContext ?

You have to add a DbSet in your DbContext :

public class MyDbContext : AbpDbContext
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

    public MyDbContext(DbContextOptions<MyDbContext> options)
        : base(options)

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