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JS: Sum of span values in For loop

I have the following values within span tags:

<div id="aantallen">

In JS I want to get the sum of these values. So I made the following For Loop:

var div = document.getElementById("aantallen");
var spans = div.getElementsByTagName("span");
    var totaalPersonen = totaalPersonen + i;

However, the 3 and 2 are text, so I get Nan in the alerts. My question: how can in convert the 3 and 2 into strings so that I can make a sum of these values?

I tried with String(i) but couldn't get it to work.

You need to convert the content of the DOM element to a Number . Then, you can use reduce in order to calculate the sum.

 const spans = document.querySelectorAll('#aantallen span'); const result = Array.from(spans).reduce((sum, spanElm) => sum + Number(spanElm.textContent), 0) console.log(result); 
 <div id="aantallen"> <span>3</span> <span>2</span> </div> 

To convert string to Int in Javascript, Use:


You are reintializing var totaalPersonen = totaalPersonen + i; in every loop. So you need to initialize totaalPersonen outside the loop like this var totaalPersonen = 0; and inside the loop just count it up like totaalPersonen = totaalPersonen + 1; or just totaalPerseonen++;

Try this Assuming you are wanting to add the text inside the spans I have used innerHTML , and not i . Also, the totaalPersonen variable should be declared outside the for loop otherwise it will be reinitialized each time.

var div = document.getElementById("aantallen");
var spans = div.getElementsByTagName("span");
var totaalPersonen = 0;
    totaalPersonen = parseInt(totaalPersonen) + parseInt(spans[i].innerHTML);

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