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SFML graphics Draw Texture in Window- Black Screen

I just tried to write a chess engine, and what is important to me is that I get a nice visual representation of the game. I tried to implement the Code in a Visual Studio project - the problem is that the program only shows me a black screen instead of the texture I loaded.

My Code is the following:

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <time.h>
using namespace sf;

int main(){

    RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1000, 1000), "MattseChess!");

    Texture t1;
    Sprite s(t1);

    while (window.isOpen())
        Event e;

        while (window.pollEvent(e)) {

            if (e.type == Event::Closed)

    return 0;

Do you have any idea of what I did wrong?

Make sure to put your drawing code outside your event loop. Otherwise you're only drawing whenever there's some event happening (such as cursor movement).

That code works. I am pretty sure you did not put your board.png into the images directory in your execution path.

Make sure this image is available:


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