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Python numpy array sum over certain indices

如何仅对 numpy 数组上的索引列表执行求和,例如,如果我有一个数组a = [1,2,3,4]和要求和的索引列表,则indices = [0, 2]和 I要快速操作,给我答案4 ,因为在索引0和索引2值相加的值a4

You can use sum directly after indexing with indices :

a = np.array([1,2,3,4])
indices = [0, 2] 

The accepted a[indices].sum() approach copies data and creates a new array, which might cause problem if the array is large. np.sum actually has an argument to mask out colums, you can just do

np.sum(a, where=[True, False, True, False])

Which doesn't copy any data.

The mask array can be obtained by:

mask = np.full(4, False)
mask[np.array([0,2])] = True


>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> indices = [0, 2]
>>> sum(a[i] for i in indices)


If you have a lot of numbers and you want high speed, then you need to use numpy:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1,2,3,4])
>>> a[indices]
array([1, 3])
>>> np.sum(a[indices])

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