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How to foreach dynamic JSON nested in Laravel Blade

I want to loop through (foreach) this data dynamically when there is new data, how can I do this? I use the package laravel-nestedable .

This is my return JSON, which is dynamic:

                  "name":"Rainbow Cake",

                  "name":"Banana Cake",

                  "name":"Hony Donut",
                        "name":"Black Hony Donut",

                  "name":"Milk Sake",
                        "name":"Mango Juice",



Your Json data not seems to be correctly formatted but if its fine then you can send your Json data from Controller to View like below:

return view('your-view')->with('json', $json);


return view('your-view', ['json'=>$json]);


return View::make('your-view')->with('json', $json);

Then in your blade file you need to use foreach to get all data like below:

@foreach($json as $data)
    {{ $data->item }}

You can also convert your Json data to array and then send like below:

$array =json_decode( json_encode($json), true);
return view('your-view')->with('array', $array);

Then in your blade file you need to use foreach to get all data like below:

@foreach($array as $data)
    {{ $data['item'] }}

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