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How to convert system.collections.generic.list<className> to string

Trying to convert database value to string I'm having trouble because its not convert the value but system.collections.generic.list

    var finalColor = await App.Database.getColorUser(_username);
    await DisplayAlert("COLOR", finalColor.ToString(), "OK");
catch (Exception ex)
    await DisplayAlert("ERROR", ex.Message, "Ok");

Database table :

public Task<List<UserColor>> getColorUser(string userNameColor)
    var query = database.QueryAsync<UserColor>("Select ColorUser From UserColor Where UserName='"+userNameColor+"'");
    return query;

FirstOrDefault will get the first in the list or null if enmpty... assuming there is only going to be logical one result

public async Task<UserColor> getColorUser(string userNameColor)
        var list = await database
                       .QueryAsync<UserColor>("Select ColorUser From UserColor Where UserName='"+userNameColor+"'")
                       .ConfigureAwait( false );
        return list.FirstOrDefault();       


Enumerable.FirstOrDefault Method (IEnumerable)

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