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LDAP connection to AD using OPENQUERY SQL Server 2008 R2

I have a query (below) that uses ldap connection to retrieve AD related info. However, the issue is this query provide all of the employees. I am only looking for current employees. I was told to use following information to pull "Active only" employees:

OU=CompanyName Users,DC=CompanyName,DC=local

I tried to modify below select statement to add OU related information, but query keeps failing. Anyone know how to convert above string into a proper ldap location?

FROM ''LDAP://ldap.CompanyName.local/DC=CompanyName;DC=local''
WHERE objectClass = ''user'' 
  AND objectCategory = ''Person''   
ORDER BY title asc
') A

There is an accountExpires attribute that you could probably filter on.

where accountExpires > 0

Just add accountExpires to your select list before you add it to the where clause to see the value returned. It should be the same format as your server.

I think this is not correct FROM ''LDAP://ldap.CompanyName.local/DC=CompanyName;DC=local''

Try: FROM ''LDAP://OU="Organization Unit", DC="CompanyName",DC=com''

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