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Is List<GraphicsPath> possible in C#?

I'm trying to use a list of GraphicsPath instead of an array as I don't know the number of the paths that will be created by user.

List<GraphicsPath> PathDB = new List<GraphicsPath>();

After this I fill the List as follows:

using(GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath())

But when I try to use the GraphicsPath from the list, while the Count property is correct, I cannot use the object like below because of an argument exception.

num = PathDB.Count;
for(int k=0; k < num; k++)
      using(GraphicsPath myCurrentPath = new GraphicsPath())
         myCurrentPath = PathDB[k];
         myCurrentPath.AddLine(0,0,400,400); //at this stage exception is thrown 
         myGraphics.DrawPath(myPen, myCurrentPath)

Is it something related to GraphicsPath being Disposabe ?? Or doing smt wrong?

using(GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath())
} // this disposes myPath

This is a local graphics path. Your using block Dispose s it after the scope if done. So you need to remove that using block and instead dispose your paths when you no longer need them.

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