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Read AppSettings Data Console App .net Core 2.0

Having trouble reading data from appsettings.json in a .netcore 2.0 console app looked at a bunch of examples syntax is not working/ any suggestions? the value in my appsettings.json looks like this "OBNAME": { "OBKEY": "OBKPASS"


I basically want to assign the OBNAME values to a var in another class

public const string ConfigurationFileName = "appsettings.json";

public static YourClass CreateConfiguration()

     var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()            

     IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot = builder.Build();
     YourClass yourClass = new YourClass();
     configurationRoot.Bind(yourClass );
     return filePolicyConfiguration;


In YourClass put the properties like the appSettings.json built, put OBNAME as property int this class.

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