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Java 9 Maven module not found in console

I am building a Jigsaw module using Maven.Here is a simple class inside of it

public class Welcome {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Java 9 Modular Welcome");

        Module module =  Welcome.class.getModule();
        System.out.printf("Module name: %s%n",module.getName());


module org.abondar.experimental.intro {

exports  org.abondar.experimental.intro;

Maven compiler plugin set up


And Jar plugin

                <!-- Build an executable JAR -->


So in IDE this code works as expected. But in console getModule returns null. I believe I have misconfigured one of Maven plugins because in console module is not in module path. So what exactly is wr

Alright, after sometime and careful reading I understood my mistake: I didn't run jar correctly.

So here how should it be:

java --module-path target/Intro-1.0.jar -m org.abondar.experimental.intro/org.abondar.experimental.intro.Welcome

Instead of just running

java -jar target/Intro-1.0.jar

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