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Maven dependency module not found

I have a rather simple project structure in Maven with sub-modules:


In /pom.xml I define properties for all sub-modules, like library versions or plugins configurations:





In /Utils/pom.xml I declare the sub-module and its dependencies:





And I declare a module-info.java file:

module util {
    requires vertx.core;

When I open the project in my IDE it works as expected, I can access the classes from the vertx.core package in the Utils module and all the dependencies are listed there. However when I try to compile with maven by calling mvn clean compile it seems that the dependencies are not in the class path:

[INFO] Compiling 11 source files to /home/manulaiko/Programming/Java/Kalaazu/Utils/target/classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/manulaiko/Programming/Java/Kalaazu/Utils/src/main/java/module-info.java:[5,19] module not found: vertx.core

I've tried (without success) to:

  • Set the library versions directly in the dependency node.
  • Set the properties node in /Utils/pom.xml .
  • Try a different library version.
  • Check that the classpath is correct with mvn dependency:build-classpath -Dmdep.outputFile=cp.txt and the libraries are there.
  • Run mvn clean compile in / .
  • Run mvn clean compile in /Utils .
  • Run mvn -pl Utils clean compile in /
  • Run mvn clean install -U in / .
  • Run mvn clean install -U in /Utils .

您至少需要Maven Compiler Plugin 3.7.0 版才能正确处理模块。

Seems like a jar hell issue. When any module's different versions are added in the code, this appears.check this post out https://carlosbecker.com/posts/maven-dependency-hell/

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