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SQL Server 2016 - How to get last logged in date for user?

How can I get the last logged in date for certain user. I googled and stumbled upon this query

SELECT name, accdate FROM sys.syslogins

But the accdate column seems to be deprecated, and does not update.

I have another clue

SELECT login_name, max(login_time) as last_logged_in 
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions GROUP BY login_name

But it shows me results only for system users, not the ones which I created with this query


The question is, how to make custom created users appear in sys.dm_exec_sessions , or what's the alternative to that solution?

Use sys.dm_exec_sessions system view That

shows information about all active user connections and internal tasks. This information includes client version, client program name, client login time , login user, current session setting, and more.

Here's a little script hopes help you out!

SELECT login_name [Login] , MAX(login_time) AS [Last Login Time]
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
GROUP BY login_name;


And About New logins, You Must Login with them firstly for getting a record into sys.dm_exec_sessions

so use the next code for creating a login:-

CREATE USER [NewAdminName] FOR LOGIN [NewAdminName]
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'NewAdminName'

Now Login by:-

User Name = NewAdminName

Password: ABCDa@12

After Logging successfully, the information of this login is stored into sys.dm_exec_sessions

By default the last login date isn't recorded by SQL Server:'(

There's a variety of ways you can record it yourself, eg

  • Extended Events session to record logins (eg see this article ), then you query that to get what you want. There's a "Connection Tracking" template that probably records the info you need.
  • Triggers (ugh, not recommended)
  • SQL Server Audit feature (which like Extended Events is super flexible but hard to get your head around when all you want is the last login date).
  • A SQL Agent Job that periodically looks at the current logins by querying sys.dm_exec_sessions system view. I wouldn't recommend this since it's highly possible you'll miss some logins, plus it puts a higher load than using the extended events infrastructure that SQL provides.
select DISTINCT login_time, host_name, program_name, login_name from
(SELECT sys.dm_exec_sessions.*,
RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY login_name ORDER BY login_time DESC) as rnk
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions) l
where l.rnk = 1
ORDER BY l.login_time DESC

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