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react-native-maps: How do I add markers without re-rendering the entire map?

I'm building a map that displays markers to show the location of nearby merchants. I'm passing a 'data' array as props to the map. I've set an interval such that every two seconds, I fetch more merchants from my API, and the 'data' array grows.

I'm fetching the data inside componentWillReceiveProps. fetchData() appends more merchants to the data array.

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if(nextProps.loading == false) {

And inside my MapView component -

    this.props.data.length > 0 && this.props.data.map(merchant => (
            coordinate={{latitude: Number(merchant.latitude), longitude: Number(merchant.longitude)}}
            identifier={"" + merchant.id}

My problem: Whenever I call fetchData(), the new markers are rendered. However, the whole map is rendered again. I do not want this kind of blinking behaviour.

I'd be very grateful for any kind of help/suggestions. Thanks in advance!

PS You can find the visual here

您可以使用自定义类组件代替MapView.marker ,然后使用componentShouldUpdate()函数来指定标记是否需要在某些条件下更新。

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