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docker-compose push image to registry not work

I have three nodes swarm cluster - host01,host02,host03. host01 is manager.

Now I am in host01

compose file test.yml :

version: '3'                                           
    image: ${PRIVATE_REGISTRY}/basin/mongo:3.0.15      
    restart: always                                    
      - 11081:27017                                    

    image: ${PRIVATE_REGISTRY}/basin/postgres:10.1     
    restart: always                                    
    container_name: basin-postgres                               


I publish registry on 5006, not 5000

[root@host01 scripts]# echo ${PRIVATE_REGISTRY}    

Docker images on host01:

basin/postgres                    10.1                599272bf538f        5 weeks ago         287MB      
basin/postgres                    latest              599272bf538f        5 weeks ago         287MB      
host01:5006/basin/postgres        10.1                599272bf538f        5 weeks ago         287MB      
host01:5006/basin/postgres        latest              599272bf538f        5 weeks ago         287MB      
basin/mongo                       3.0.15              7312593938b8        7 weeks ago         233MB      
basin/mongo                       latest              7312593938b8        7 weeks ago         233MB      
host01:5006/basin/mongo           3.0.15              7312593938b8        7 weeks ago         233MB      
host01:5006/basin/mongo           latest              7312593938b8        7 weeks ago         233MB      
basin/redis                       3.2.11              d3f696a9f230        7 weeks ago         99.7MB     
basin/redis                       latest              d3f696a9f230        7 weeks ago         99.7MB     
host01:5006/basin/redis           3.2.11              d3f696a9f230        7 weeks ago         99.7MB     
host01:5006/basin/redis           latest              d3f696a9f230        7 weeks ago         99.7MB     
host01:5006/basin/registry        2.6.2               a07e3f32a779        7 weeks ago         33.3MB     
host01:5006/basin/registry        latest              a07e3f32a779        7 weeks ago         33.3MB     
basin/registry                    2.6.2               a07e3f32a779        7 weeks ago         33.3MB     
basin/registry                    latest              a07e3f32a779        7 weeks ago         33.3MB

/etc/docker/daemon.json :

[root@host01 scripts]# cat /etc/docker/daemon.json                                          
{"registry-mirrors": ["http://host01:5006"], "insecure-registries" : [ "host01:5006"] }     

docker-compose -f test.yml push printed nothing, query registry showed nothing be pushed:

[root@host01 scripts]# curl -X GET http://${PRIVATE_REGISTRY}/v2/_catalog    

But docker push ${PRIVATE_REGISTRY}/basin/mongo:3.0.15 worked.

If you look at the documentation for docker-compose push , there is written:

Pushes images for services to their respective registry/repository.

The following assumptions are made:
You are pushing an image you have built locally.
You have access to the build key.

Apparently, you can only push images with docker-compose push that have a build: section in their docker-compose.yml file. Adding one solved the exact same problem for me.

It looks like you do not really have to build the image yourself - adding something like build: . without ever building the image (and downloading it from the Docker Hub or a private registry instead) seems to work fine.

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