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How can I use variable defined in build.gradle in strings.xml?

I have a variable in build.gradle (Module: app) which counts the build number (number of compilations to be precise:

String content = ""

def buildCountFile = new File("c:\\projects\\aviacheck\\spec\\aviacheck-build-counter.txt")

if (buildCountFile.exists()) {
    content = buildCountFile.getText('UTF-8')
int count = 0;
if (content.isNumber()) {
    count = content.toInteger() + 1;
// build counter ends

buildTypes {
        resValue "string", "bNr", count.toString()
    release {
        resValue "string", "bNr", count.toString()

which is stored in "bNr".

Of course I can use it in code by getResoures() , but I would like to concatenate it in strings.xml with one more string without writing code.

So, defining version compilation like that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE resources [
    <!ENTITY appVer "1.2">

//    ........
    <string name="ver">"&appVer; Build: &bNr;</string>
//    ........

Unfortunately, &bNr remains unresolved.

Any ideas on what the problem could be?

I would like to concatenate it in strings.xml with one more string without writing code

That is not supported, sorry.

unfortunately &bNr keeps unresolved.

There is no HTML entity by that name.

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