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Range-based for loop on arrays

I'm trying to do something similar to this:

int iArray[16];
int iOtherArray[16];
for ( auto &i: iArray )
    iOtherArray[i] = iArray[i];

Where the for loops through the number of components the array has, not each individual component. Am I understanding the usage for Range-based for loops correctly?

No, the range -based loop will give you the element values, not indexes.

For a copy operation like this a range-based loop is a poor choice as you have to keep track of two ranges and want cooresponding elements of each. Just use a normal for loop for this.

for(int i = 0; 16 > ndx; ++ndx)
  otherArray[i] = array[i];


std::copy(array, array+16, otherArray);

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