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Extract String Between Two words in R

Let's say this is my string

string<- c("righttoleftrightandleft")

I want to extract all the character between right and left so the result will be something like that

string<- c("righttoleftrightandleft")
vec <- strsplit(string, split = "left")

result <- c( sub(pattern = "right", "", vec[[1]][1:2]) )

Please try this with s <- "righttoleftrightandleft"

strsplit(gsub("right(.*?)left", "\\1 ", s), split="\\s")[[1]]

This gives a vector:

[1] "to"  "and"

Note that:

  1. gsub extracts all elements between parentheses, each stored in \\\\1
  2. ? is required for non-greedy match
  3. strsplit splits the resulting match on whitespace

Could try:

gsub("right(.*?)left", "\\1", regmatches(string, gregexpr("right(.*?)left",string))[[1]])

Where regmatches(...) returns matches sequences and gsub(...) extracts the word in the middle.

You can also use the following:

[1] "to"  "and"

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