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How to Instruct OSS ASN.1 tool to Generate the codec Only for NB-IoT Specific Messages

有什么方法可以指示OSS ASN.1工具仅为NB-IoT特定消息生成编解码器吗?因为手动清理是生成asn库的乏味且不合适的方法。

Since you are asking a question about a particular ASN.1 Compiler vendor's tool, this question would be better addressed by sending mail to the tool vendor's technical support team. I happen to work for OSS Nokalva, so I can tell you their support team can be reached by sending mail to support@oss.com. It is best not to manually edit the ASN.1 specification since it is easy to inadvertently alter the UNALIGNED PER encodings, resulting in interoperability problems.

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