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Post multipart file and JSON in Rest Assured

I need to send a video file and JSON object in Rest Assured post call.

Structure is like the following:

{ "sample" : { "name" : "sample-name", "kind" : "upload", "video_file" : multipart file here } }

So I did like the following


                        .header("Accept", "application/json")
                        .multiPart("sample[video_file]", new File("path"), "video/mp4")
                        .formParam("sample[name]", "Video Upload")
                        .formParam("sample[kind]", "upload")

I can't use application/JSON while using multipart in Rest Assured. I explicitly hardcoded the value in the form param and sent the media file in multipart and now it is working fine.

How can I send all the form param data in a single inner object.

You can do this by using RequestSpecBuilder. It supports all the request parameters and you can easily create multipart request.

Sample code taken from https://github.com/rest-assured/rest-assured/wiki/Usage

RequestSpecBuilder builder = new RequestSpecBuilder();
builder.addParam("parameter1", "parameterValue");
builder.addHeader("header1", "headerValue");
RequestSpecification requestSpec = builder.build();

        param("parameter2", "paramValue").
        body("x.y.z", equalTo("something"));

Thanks for your response rohit. I was post this question for handling inner object with formParams. I've completed by creating a Hash Map for formParams. Because formParams method of rest assured can accept Hash map.

Form params map creation:

private static Map<String, String> createFormParamsMap(VideoTagInput videoTag) {

        Map<String, String> formParams = new HashMap<>();
        formParams.put(createFormParamKey("name"), "name");
        formParams.put(createFormParamKey("kind"), "kind");

        return formParams;

private static String createFormParamKey(String paramKey) {
    return "sample[" + paramKey + "]"; 
    // output is like "sample[name]" - I'm forming inner object here for my purpose.

Finally send the map to Rest Assured post call function

                        .header("Accept", "application/json")
                        .multiPart("sample[video_file]", new File("path"), "video/mp4")
                        .formParams(requestParamsMap) // requestParamsMap here.

Your approach is definitely not standard.

You cannot have a multipart request and a JSON body, you need to pick one over the 2 approaches: multipart/form-data or application/json request.

The standard way is to have a multipart request with a "json" param containing the serialized JSON payload, and a "file" param with the multipart file.

.param("json", "{\"sample\":{\"name\":\"sample- name\",\"kind\":\"upload\",\"video_file\":<this is not needed>}}")

But this involves changing your server-side logic.

If you cannot change your server-side logic, you need to serialize your file as (for instance as an array of bytes, or as base64 string) to be set as video_file in your JSON payload. In which case you'll have an application/json content type request, not a 'multipart/form-data'.

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