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Get index from a model array in Swift

I have a custom array like this

let moreMenuItem = [MoreMenuItem(title: "number1", imageName: "rate"),
                    MoreMenuItem(title: "number2", imageName: "followFacebook"),
                    MoreMenuItem(title: "number3", imageName: "email")]

and this is my model class

class MoreMenuItem {

    var title: String?
    var imageName: String?

    init(title: String, imageName: String) {
        self.title = title
        self.imageName = imageName }

now let say I have a string "number3" and I would like to check if my array has "number3" in title. If it does, return the index where number3 is found. Any suggestions?


Approach 1:

if let indexOfItem = moreMenuItem.index(where: { (item) -> Bool in
        return item.title == "number3"
    }) {
    else {
        print("item not found")

Approach 2:

In case you dont want to compare simply a title string and rather want to compare two MoreMenuItem with based on their title, make MoreMenuItem confirm to Equatable protocol as shown below

class MoreMenuItem : Equatable {
    static func ==(lhs: MoreMenuItem, rhs: MoreMenuItem) -> Bool {
        return lhs.title == rhs.title

    var title: String?
    var imageName: String?

    init(title: String, imageName: String) {
        self.title = title
        self.imageName = imageName }

Then use index(of:

let itemToCompare = MoreMenuItem(title: "number3", imageName: "email")
if let value = moreMenuItem.index(of: itemToCompare) {

Hope its helpful :)

Try this one liner using index(where:) method.

if let index = moreMenuItem.index(where: { $0.title == "number3" }) {

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