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java.lang.ClassCastException: com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap cannot be cast to model class android

I am passing the response of an API call ( Retrofit used) to a class and trying to cast it to my model class. Since i am using retrofit for the API call, it generates a linked hashmap based on the response from the server prior to convert it into model class object using Gson . (That is what i understand, correct me if i am wrong). I have attached an image of what i can see when i debug with the response object. How can i convert this response into an object of my model class or type Object. I am getting class cast exception when i attempt to cast type Object into my model class inside my activity.

Here is my code

API Call

call.enqueue(new Callback() {

        public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
            if (response.body() != null) {   
                        List<CategoriesBaseModel> categoryBaseResponseList = (List<CategoriesBaseModel>) response.body();
                        List<Object> categoryResponseList = (List<Object>) categoryBaseResponseList.get(0).getData();
                        if (categoryResponseList != null) {
                           mCategoriesInterface.passCategoriesResponse(categoryResponseList, "HomeFragment");
        public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {



CategoriesInterface categoriesInterface = new CategoriesInterface() {
    public void passCategoriesResponse(List<Object> scheduleList, String name) {
        CategoriesModel categoriesModel;
        for (Object model : scheduleList){
            categoriesModel = (CategoriesModel) model;
            Log.d("TAG", "");


Solved this by converting the Object into Json string and coverting it back directly to the model class object.

Gson gs = new Gson();
String js = gs.toJson(model);
categoriesModel = gs.fromJson(js, CategoriesModel.class);

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