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Multiprocessing script gets stuck

I have the following Python code:

def workPackage(args):
    outputdata                  = dict()
    iterator                        = 1
    for name in outputnames:
        outputdata[name]            = []
    for filename in filelist:
        read_data                   = np.genfromtxt(filename, comments="#", unpack=True, names=datacolnames, delimiter=";")
        mean_va1                    = np.mean(read_data["val1"])
        mean_va2                    = np.mean(read_data["val2"])

        print("Process "+str(identifier+1)+": "+str(round(100*(iterator/len(filelist)),1))+"% complete")
        iterator    = iterator+1

    queue.put (outputdata)
 some message

if __name__ == '__main__':
"Main script"

This code is used to evaluate a large amount of measurement data. In total I got some 900 files across multiple directories (about 13GB in total). The main script determines all the filepaths and stores them in 4 chunks. Each chunk (list of filepaths) is given to one process.

      print("Distributing the workload on "+str(numberOfProcesses)+" processes...")                     
      for i in range(0,numberOfProcesses):
        q[i]                = multiprocessing.Queue()
        Processes[i]        = multiprocessing.Process(target=workPackage, args=(filelistChunks[i], colnames, outputdatanames, i, q[i]))
      for i in range(0,numberOfProcesses):
       print("Exception while processing stuff...")

After that the restuls are read from the queue and stored to an output file. Now here's my problem: The script starts the 4 processes and each of them runs to 100% (see the print in the workPackage function). They don't finish at the same time but within about 2 minutes. But then the script simply stops. If I limit the amount of data to process by simply cutting the filelist it sometimes runs until the end but sometimes doesn't. I don't get, why the script simply gets stuck after all processes reach 100%.

I seriously don't know what's happening there.

You add items to the queue with queue.put(), then call queue.join(), but I don't see where you call queue.get() or queue.task_done(). Join won't release the thread until the queue is empty and task_done() has been called on each item.

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