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BeautifulSoup FindAll with OR and Empty Class

I am trying to extract the following:

<td class="indent">Interest Income on Fed. Funds</td>
<td class="">-</td>

with this


However, it returns

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'str' and 'str'

How could I find empty class OR class_='indent'?

Try this:

interest = a.findAll("td", {'class': [None, 'indent']}, limit=6)
  1. Pass multiple classes as a list (with , separator not with | )
  2. Select empty classes with None

Another option as well for bs4:

def empty_or_indent(css_class):
    return css_class is None or css_class is 'indent'   

a.find_all('td', class_=empty_or_indent, limit=6)

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