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Reporting Progress from Tasks

Is there a way to know the status of individual Task while using the WhenAll() or WaitAll() methods of Task.
When I use await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray()) for every task that completes I would like to know that the task has completed.

There is probably a much nicer way to do this, but here is a raw class which takes an array of unstarted tasks and fires an event each time some of the tasks completes execution:

public class TaskBatchRunner
    private Task[] _tasks;

    public event EventHandler<Task> TaskCompleted;

    public TaskBatchRunner(Task[] tasks)
        _tasks = tasks.Select(t =>
            new Task(() =>

    public void Run()
        foreach (var t in _tasks) t.Start();

    private void OnTaskCompleted(Task completedTask)
        TaskCompleted?.Invoke(this, completedTask);


        var taskRunner = new TaskBatchRunner(tasks.ToArray());
        taskRunner.TaskCompleted += MyTaskCompleted;

    private void MyTaskCompleted(object sender, Task e)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"task {e.Id} completed!");

To report progress from an async or concurrent process use the IProgress<T> abstraction. Using the Progress<T> implmentation you can easily capture the current context and run your progress update / completion expression on the ui context while doing your work in the background:

public class WorkItem {
    public async Task DoWork(IProgress<bool> completionNotification) {
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
        //Work Done

    //Get, Set, Fire Property change etc
    public bool Completed {
        get; set;

public class ViewModel {
    public async void ButtonClickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        var workitemTasks = WorkItems.Select(workItem =>
            workItem.DoWork(new Progress<bool>(done => workItem.Completed = done)))
        await Task.WhenAll(workitemTasks);

    //Get, Set, Fire Property change etc
    public IEnumerable<WorkItem> WorkItems {
        get; set;

More Info

Reporting Progress From Async Tasks @StephenCleary

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