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Save results from pdo query to a javascript variable

I am new to javascript so please be patient with me. I have a function in php which goes like this:

 public function getSubjects() {
            $stmt = $this->_db->prepare('SELECT id, subject from subjects');
            return  $stmt->fetchall();

Then I have a variable subs in javascript which is hardocded like this:

var subs = {"Maths":1,"Geography":2,"Chmesitry":3,"Literature":4};

How do I populate the subs variable with the format above from the getSubjects method?

I like to use json_encode to convert the array to json so it can be used as an array of objects in JS.


public function getSubjects() {
    $stmt = $this->_db->prepare('SELECT id, subject from subjects');
    return json_encode($stmt->fetchall());

In javascript:

var subs = <?php echo getSubjects(); ?>;

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