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How to send data from controller to model with CodeIgniter through functions

I want to pass data from Controller to model.But I am unable to fetch it at the model side in CI.Kindly help me out.

Here is my controller function:

function show_chronicles($chronicle_num) {

    //load the model  
    //load the method of model  

    $data['h'] = $this->Chronicles_model->show_seminar();
    //return the data in view  
    $this->load->view('chronicles', $chronicle_num);

And here is my model :

public function show_seminar($chronicle_num) {
    echo $chronicle_num;
    //$query1 = $this->db->get('chronicles');  
    //return $query1;  

Its because your not passing any value to your model.


function show_chronicles($chronicle_num)


    $this->load->view('chronicles', $chronicle_num);


and you need to return the result() of your query


public function show_seminar($chronicle_num = NULL)
         return $this->db
                     ->get_where('chronicles', array('chronicles_no' => $chronicle_num))

Controller :

function show_chronicles($chronicle_num) {

    //load the model  
    //load the method of model  

    // pass it to model
    $data['chronicle_num'] = $this->Chronicles_model->show_seminar($chronicle_num);
    //return the data in view  
    $this->load->view('chronicles', $data);

And here is my model :

public function show_seminar($chronicle_num) {
    return $chronicle_num;
    //$query1 = $this->db->get('chronicles');  
    //return $query1;  

You just forgot to pass $chronicle_num as a parameter when you called $this->Chronicles_model->show_seminar(); .

So the right way is $this->Chronicles_model->show_seminar($chronicle_num);

You can add as many parameters as you wish to the functions. Example:

public function show_seminar($chronicle_num, $param2, $param3) {
    //Login here

Just remember to pass the parameters every time you call the function.

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