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Object as a key value in HashMap and using in jsp

@Table (name = "lectureHall_details")
public class LectureHall {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY  )
private int id;
private String Name;
private String code;
private String description;
private int capacity;

This is how my LectureHall class look like.

@Table(name = "timeTable_details")
public class TimeTable {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY  )
private int id;
private LectureHall lectureHall;
private Department department;

This is how my TimeTable class look like.I want to make the key value of the Map as the LectureHall class attribute Name.

@RequestMapping(value = {"view/{day}/lecturehalls"})
public ModelAndView viewLectureHalls(@PathVariable("day") String day) {

    List<TimeTable> lectureHalls = timeTableDao.getLectureHallsList(day);
    Map<LectureHall, List<TimeTable>> byHall = lectureHalls.stream()

    ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("page");
    return mv;

what I can do for that?

If I interpreted your question right, you want to know how to create a HashMap from LectureHalls to Strings. This will allow you to store a hall's Name as the value in the map entry. Here is how you would declare and instantiate this map:

Map<LectureHall, String> nameMap = new HashMap();

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