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How to control a MediaElement inside of a VisualBrush

I have a MediaElement inside of a VisualBrush object so that I can run multiple video displays while only using one MediaElement. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to control the MediaElement from the code behind. The code behind doesn't recognize the name 'myMedia'.

How do I access this element?

        <VisualBrush x:Key="Media" Stretch="Uniform">
                <MediaElement Name="myMedia" Source="c:\a.mp4" Width="100" Height="100"/>

You can get resources by key from an element in code behind via the FrameworkElement.Resources property . Then it is just a matter of casting the returned resource to a VisualBrush and accessing and casting its VisualBrush.Visual property .


Dim VBrush As VisualBrush = TryCast(Me.Resources("Media"), VisualBrush)

If VBrush IsNot Nothing Then
    Dim Media As MediaElement = TryCast(VBrush.Visual, MediaElement)

    If Media IsNot Nothing Then
        'Do your stuff here...
    End If
End If


VisualBrush VBrush = this.Resources["Media"] as VisualBrush;

if(VBrush != null) {
    MediaElement media = VBrush.Visual as MediaElement;

    if(media != null) {
        //Do your stuff here...

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