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Extract function names in python code using javascript regex

I am using prism.js to highlight python code but for some reasons it is not highlighting function names which are called for example deep_flatten() or flatten([1,2,3]) or flatten(list(map(lambda x: x*2,[1,2,3]))) .

So made the following code to overcome this problem

[...document.getElementsByClassName('code')].forEach(x => {
      x.innerText = x.innerText.replace(/(\w+)\([^\(\)]*\)/gi,match=>{
             return match

        else {
              return `<span class="called-function">${match}</span>`


It works fine for the first two ones but fails for the other two ones. On doing google search I found that this is called something recursive and can be done only with parsers. On searching for python parsers in javscript I found a lot of them but they are very big and for parsing whole code.

How can I make a parser/regex which extracts all function names and encloses them within span tags.

I don't want the specific code just some psuedo-code or algorithm as to how to proceed.

The default re package in std libs can't handle recursive regexes, however seems the regex package can


can be changed to


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