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Oracle Regexp_replace string

Let's say I have the following string:

 notNull(devhx_8_other2_name_2) AND notNull(devhx_8_other2_amt) 

How can I use regexp_replace to change it to:

 (devhx_8_other2_name_2) is not null AND (devhx_8_other2_amt) is not null 


regexp_replace(col, 'notNull(\([^)]+\))', '\1 is not null', 1, 0)

This looks for 'notNull' followed immediately by an opening parenthesis, other characters and a closing parenthesis. It replaces this with the string including the parentheses, but without 'notNull' and appends 'is not null'.

You can use the pattern:

  • notNull - match the string
  • ( - start a capture group
  • \\(.+?\\) - match an opening bracket then one-or-more characters but as few as possible until it matches a closing bracket
  • ) - end of the capture group.

And then replace it with \\1 is not null which will substitute \\1 for the value matched in the first capture group. Like this:

         '\1 is not null'
FROM   your_table


replace( replace( yourString, ')', ') is not null '), 'notNull', '')

Use the following regexp_replace function:

regexp_replace(regexp_replace(string_name,"notNull",""),"')","') is not null")

Here I replace the 'notNull' with a non space ie '' and then replace the closing bracket ie ')' with a closing bracket, a space and the text 'is not null'.

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