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Writing a python wrapper for c++ code

I modified a C++ code (Kraskov_v1.C) and I now wish to call it from Python.

I am able to convert the C++ code (Kraskov_v1.C) into a .so file and integrate it into my python library. However when I try and import the library, it throws up an error. The error says "undefined symbol: _Z8mir_xnynPPdiiiiS_S_S_"

mir_xn_yn is a function (written in another c++ file namely miutils) that my Kraskov_v1 code calls. I included the header file

include "miutils.h"

in my file containing Kraskov_v1.

Here is the setup.py file I wrote to build and install this package.


from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
import numpy.distutils.misc_util

      ext_modules=[Extension('_Kraskov_v1',sources =        
      include_dirs = ['src'])


Can someone tell me whats wrong? I am new to python and c++ and would appreciate some help.

The Extension needs a list of libraries to link with after compiling.

Missing symbols means a required library is not linked to the shared object ( .so ) and definitions from that library are not available.

      ext_modules=[Extension('_Kraskov_v1',sources =        
          include_dirs = ['src']),
          libraries=['kraskov', <..>],

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