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TensorFlow running out of memory (ResourceExhaustedError) when executing embedding_lookup

I am using a pre-tained vector to create an embedding like so

import numpy
import gensim
import tensorflow
embeddings=numpy.array([ft_model.word_vec(x) for x in vocabulary.keys()])


    tensorflow.constant(0.0, shape=[vocabulary_size, embedding_size]),
data_placeholder=tensorflow.placeholder(tensorflow.int32,shape=[None, max_length])
embedding_layer=tensorflow.nn.embedding_lookup(W, data_placeholder)

I get an error after it briefly runs through 1 or two training batches and the code crashes completely!

ResourceExhaustedError (see above for traceback): OOM when allocating tensor with shape[5000,14621,100]

The stack trace cleary states that this is caused by the embedding_layer=tensorflow.nn.embedding_lookup(W, data_placeholder) line. Any idea what could be causing this? 100 is the embedding size but those other numbers (5000, 14621) are rather strange, larger than I exected, and seem to be causing TensorFlow to completely chew up all GPU memory! embedding lookups seem like such a common thing and the .vec file I am incorporating is very small.

It could be that you computer runs out of memory (RAM). Take a look at the taskmanager before you initiate your model. I have 16 GB and was at 79%, so it ran out. It might help using a jupyter notebook to see the amount of Ram left after having the data prepared

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