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How to run a python script in the background?

I have a script that checks something on my PC every 5 minutes and I don't want Python to show on my task tray. I use Windows as my operating system.

Is there any way to make Python run in the background and force it to not show in my task tray?

If you run a console script using pythonw.exe , it will neither display a window nor appear in the task bar. For example, I use the following command to launch ntlmaps on startup:

C:\BenBlank\Python2.6\pythonw.exe scripts/ntlmaps

Be aware, however, that there is no way to interact with the script, nor to terminate it save via the Task Manager.

Just another option you have:

You can create a shortcut to your Python script, then right-click the shortcut --> Properties --> Shortcut tab

There is a drop-down box under the Run option which lets you run the command minimized.

You could run it as a service. See here

cron it on linux; schedule it on windows [control panel > scheduled tasks > Add scheduled task]

To Run python file from any where :

Step 1:

Create Shortcut of Python File.

Step 2:

Place Shortcut in this location  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

Step 3:

Now Right Click --> Go to Properties --> Shortcut --> Press any key on keyboard it will take one shortcut key

Step 4:

Now , Type the Shortcut key which you entered in previous step.

Step 5:

Check out Output!   :)


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