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Click a aria-label element using xpath

I am unable to click a button using Xpath and Selenium, in this case the aria-label has a unique date which make it perfect to distinguish among some other buttons from a calendar.

This is the HTML code for the button that display the day 5 and the price for that day.

 <button type="button" class="CalendarDay__button" aria-label="Choose sunday, february 4 2018 as your check-in date. It's available." tabindex="0"><div class="calendar-day"><div class="day">4</div><div class="flybondi font-p fare-price"><span>$728*</span></div></div></button> <button type="button" class="CalendarDay__button" aria-label="Choose monday, february 5 2018 as your check-in date. It's available." tabindex="0"><div class="calendar-day"><div class="day">5</div><div class="flybondi font-p fare-price"><span>$728*</span></div></div></button> 

#Let say I want to click february 5 2018, I tried

dtd0_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[contains(@class, 'CalendarDay__button') and (@aria-label, 'Choose monday, February 5 2018 as your check-in date. It's available') ]")

what is wrong with this approach and I receive the following message 'WebElement' object has no attribute 'Click' if I can Click for any date in the calendar on the web page.

There are a couple of errors with your xpath, which make it invalid:

  1. First of all, you have to state contains before each condition:

     "//button[contains(@attribute1, \\"content1\\") and contains(@attribute2, \\"content2\\")]" 
  2. The ' inside your xpath isn't escaped. Try the following:

     "//button[contains(@class,\\"CalendarDay__button\\") and contains(@aria-label,\\"Choose monday, february 5 2018 as your check-in date. It's available.\\")]" 

Hope it helps. Good luck!

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