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PHP - echo the opening and closing of tags from array

Here I have an array and there is content situated inside it, their is either, one object, two, or more - depending on the tags required; the first element nested in the multidimensional array would be the textual output, unless it is an array, then the first element inside the array would be the text.

However, the other content in the array is in reference to the HTML tag they correspond to, such as:

    [1] => Array
        [0] => bo          <====== Text to output
        [1] => bold        <====== tag to be within

However, in the module of simplicity, I would prefer for the content not to constantly repeat such responses, like:

This is a test <b>bo</b><i><b>ld</b></i><i>,</i> <u><i>u</i></u><u>nderline</u> ...

Instead the output should be:

This is a test<b>bo<i>ld</i></b><i>, <u>u</u></i><u>nderline</u> ...

This is the PHP code I have for it so far...

$use = array();
$base = "";
foreach ($build as $part => $data) {
//  print_r($use);
        $base .= $data;
    } else {
        $text = array_shift($data);
            $data = array($data[0]);
        } else {
            $data = $data[0];
        $removed = array_diff($use,$data);

        foreach (($data) as $tag) {
            if (in_array($tag, array_diff($use,$data))) {
                $base .= "<\/" . $tag . ">";
            } elseif(!in_array($tag, $use)){
                $base .= "<" . $tag . ">";
                array_push($use, $tag);
        $use = $data;
        $base .= $text; 

And here is the array if required (in JSON format!):

["This is a test\nIncluding ",["bo","bold"],["ld",["italic","bold"]],[", ","italic"],["u",["underline","italic"]],["nderlined","underline"],", ",["strike-through","strike"],", and ",["italic","italic"],"\ntext:\n\n",["numbered lists",["underline","strike","italic","bold"]],["\n",[]],"as well as",["\n",[]],["non ordered lists","http:\/\/test.com"],["\n",[]],"it works very well",["\n",[]],["try it","http:\/\/google.com"],"\n",["http:\/\/google.com",["bold","http:\/\/google.com"]],"\n\n",["wow","bold"],"\n",["lol","bold"]]

Any help would be much appreciated... thanks!

I'm honestly not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for. It would be great to have a full desired output... but I believe this is as close as it gets. It took me 3 hours so it better be it. It's a great question, very hard to accomplish.

I did print_r(htmlentities($base)) , but you can simply do print_r($base) to see the formatted result. I did that because it was easier to check with the output you provided in the question.

Also, I modified your JSON because some tags specified there are non-existent. For example, I changed underline for u , italic for i , bold for b . Alternatives are em , strong ... anyway, that's just a side-note.

$build = json_decode('["This is a test\nIncluding ",["bo","b"],["ld",["i","b"]],[", ","i"],["u",["u","i"]],["nderlined","u"],", ",["strike-through","strike"],", and ",["italic","i"],"\ntext:\n\n",["numbered lists",["u","strike","i","b"]],["\n",[]],"as well as",["\n",[]],["non ordered lists","http:\/\/test.com"],["\n",[]],"it works very well",["\n",[]],["try it","http:\/\/google.com"],"\n",["http:\/\/google.com",["b","http:\/\/google.com"]],"\n\n",["wow","b"],"\n",["lol","b"]]', true);
$used = [];
$base = '';
foreach($build as $data){
        $text = array_shift($data);
        $tags = $data[0];
            $tags = [$data[0]];
        $elements = '';
        $tagsToClose = array_diff($used, $tags);
        $changes = true;
        $i = 0;
        foreach($tagsToClose as $tag){
                $changes = false;
                if($lastOpened != $tag){
                    $changes = true;
                    $elements .= '</'.$lastOpened.'>';
                    $lastOpened = $used[$i];
            $elements .= '</'.$tag.'>';
            $key = array_search($tag, $used);
        foreach($tags as $tag){
            if(!in_array($tag, $used)){
                $elements .= '<'.$tag.'>';
                array_unshift($used, $tag);
                $lastOpened = $tag;
        $elements .= $text;
        $data = $elements;
    $base .= $data;
$base .= '</'.$lastOpened.'>';


And here's the result I got, just in case you run into some trouble testing or to check with your results or whatever:

This is a test Including <b>bo<i>ld</i></b><i>, <u>u</u></i><u>nderlined, </u><strike>strike-through, and </strike><i>italic text: <u><strike><b>numbered lists</b></strike></u></i> as well as <http://test.com>non ordered lists</http://test.com> it works very well <http://google.com>try it <b>http://google.com </b></http://google.com><b>wow lol</b>

After many hours, this was my solution that I ended up with:

$build = json_decode('["This is a test Including\u00a0",["bo","bold"],["ld",["italic","bold"]],[",\u00a0","italic"],["u",["underline","italic"]],["nderlined,\u00a0","underline"],"strike-through, and\u00a0",["italic text:\u00a0","italic"],"it works very well\u00a0try it\u00a0",["http:\/\/google.com",["bold","http:\/\/google.com"]],["\u00a0wow lol","bold"]]',true);
$standard = array("bold"=>"b","underline"=>"u","strike"=>"s","italic"=>"i","link"=>"a","size"=>null);
$lists = array("ordered"=>"ol","bullet"=>"ul");
$size = array("huge"=>"2.5em","large"=>"1.5em");

$base = "";
foreach($build as $part){
    $use = array();
    $tags = true;
    $len = 1;
    if(!is_array($part) or count($part) == 1){
        $text = $part;
        $tags = false;
        $part = array();
    } else {
        $text = array_shift($part);

        if(count($part) == 1){
                $part = $part[0];
            $part = array($part);
        foreach ($part as $tag) {
            if(!in_array($tag, array_keys($standard)) && !in_array($tag, array_keys($lists)) && !in_array($tag, array_keys($size))){
                $base .= '<a href="' . $tag . '" title="' . $tag . '" class="link">';
                $tag = "link";
            } elseif(in_array($tag, array_keys($size))){
                $base .= "<span style='font-size:" . $size[$tag] . "'>";
            } elseif(!in_array($tag, array_keys($lists))) {
                $base .= "<" . $standard[$tag] . ">";
            array_push($use, $tag);
        $base .= $text;
        foreach (array_reverse($part) as $tag) {
            if(!in_array($tag, array_keys($standard)) && !in_array($tag, array_keys($lists)) && !in_array($tag, array_keys($size))){
                $base .= '</a>';
            } elseif(in_array($tag, array_keys($size))){
                $base .= "</span>";
            } elseif (!in_array($tag, array_keys($lists))) {
                $base .= "</" . $standard[$tag] . ">";
            array_push($use, $tag);
    } else {
        $base .= $text;

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