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Nginx Rule to Block Specific URL

Need some help in writing a rule to block the following request

The url in question is:


I have tried the following, but this does not work

location ^~ catalogsearch/result/?q=downloader {
    deny all;

I "think" the because the ? question mark is included is treating the url as a query string??


If you want to block access through the parameter q=downloader only at URL www.somesite.com/catalogsearch/result/ :

error_page 418 = @blockAccess;

location /catalogsearch/result {
        if ($args ~* "q=downloader") {
                return 418;

location @blockAccess {
        deny all;

Add before location /

If you want to block the q=downloader parameter of all URL's, just put the code below before location :

error_page 418 = @blockAccess;

if ($args ~* "q=downloader") {
    return 418;

location @blockAccess {
    deny all;

If you want to block the www.somesite.com/catalogsearch/result/ :

error_page 418 = @blockAccess;

# Add before "location /"
location /catalogsearch/result {
        return 418;

location @blockAccess {
        deny all;

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