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How to Parse nested json using Retrofit?

I want to parse nested json using retrofit and bind it in recyclerview. Am familiar with Parsing simple json using Retrofit . But i dont know how to parse nested json using retrofit . i am newbie to retrofit. any help will be appreciated ?

Here is that Link: http://api.wunderground.com/api/356d60036a9374e9/conditions/forecast/alert/q/22.897,88.879.json


  "response": {
  "features": {
  "conditions": 1
  "forecast": 1
    "error": {
        "type": "unknownfeature"
  , "current_observation": {
        "image": {
        "title":"Weather Underground",
        "display_location": {
        "full":"Tentulbaria, India",
        "observation_location": {
        "full":"Kolkata, ",
        "elevation":"20 ft"
        "estimated": {
        "observation_time":"Last Updated on February 5, 5:30 PM IST",
        "observation_time_rfc822":"Mon, 05 Feb 2018 17:30:00 +0530",
        "local_time_rfc822":"Mon, 05 Feb 2018 17:44:32 +0530",
        "temperature_string":"81 F (27 C)",
        "dewpoint_string":"66 F (19 C)",
        "heat_index_string":"83 F (28 C)",
        "feelslike_string":"83 F (28 C)",
        "UV":"-1","precip_1hr_string":"-9999.00 in (-9999.00 mm)",
        "precip_today_string":"0.00 in (0.0 mm)",

In that json data i want to fetch the following json data:

"current_observation": {
            "image": {
            "title":"Weather Underground",

You can add json convertor to Retrofit and you can parse it.

Parsing Nested Json

Retrofit best tutorial i have found till now.

Retrofit complete turoial .

This will help you in all your concerns related to Retrofit.

Create mode like this and in your response type pass the model it will automatically parse the json into model for image data

 public class Example {

 private CurrentObservation currentObservation;

 public CurrentObservation getCurrentObservation() {
 return currentObservation;

 public void setCurrentObservation(CurrentObservation currentObservation) {
 this.currentObservation = currentObservation;

 public static class CurrentObservation {

    private Image image;

    public Image getImage() {
    return image;

    public void setImage(Image image) {
    this.image = image;

 public static class Image {

        private String url;
        private String title;
        private String link;

        public String getUrl() {
        return url;

        public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

        public String getTitle() {
        return title;

        public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

        public String getLink() {
        return link;

        public void setLink(String link) {
        this.link = link;



sample api call

  public interface Service {
  Call<Example> getInfo();

Edit: you can call this retrofit function anywhere in your MainActivity and use the data.

public void getImageData(){

Call<Example> call = apiService.getInfo();
call.enqueue(new Callback<Example>() {
  public void onResponse(Call<Example> call, Response<Example> response) {
      //this is how you can use the parsed model
      Example info = response.body();

  public void onFailure(Call<Example> call, Throwable t) {
      //handle the error here


First, create Model ie POJO class to parse your response

It will look something like this

package app.com.socket;
 * Created by akshay.katariya on 05-Feb-18.

import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;

public class Pojo

    public Response response;
    public Current_observation current_observation;

    public static class Features {
        public int conditions;
        public int forecast;

    public static class Error {
        public String type;

    public static class Response {
        public String version;
        public String termsofService;
        public Features features;
        public java.lang.Error error;

    public static class Image {
        public String url;
        public String title;
        public String link;

    public static class Display_location {
        public String full;
        public String elevation;

    public static class Observation_location {
        public String elevation;

    public static class Estimated {

    public static class Current_observation {
        public Image image;
        public Display_location display_location;
        public Observation_location observation_location;
        public Estimated estimated;
        public String nowcast;

        public Image getImage() {
            return image;

        public void setImage(Image image) {
            this.image = image;

        public Display_location getDisplay_location() {
            return display_location;

        public void setDisplay_location(Display_location display_location) {
            this.display_location = display_location;

        public Observation_location getObservation_location() {
            return observation_location;

        public void setObservation_location(Observation_location observation_location) {
            this.observation_location = observation_location;

        public Estimated getEstimated() {
            return estimated;

        public void setEstimated(Estimated estimated) {
            this.estimated = estimated;

        public String getNowcast() {
            return nowcast;

        public void setNowcast(String nowcast) {
            this.nowcast = nowcast;

    public Response getResponse() {
        return response;

    public void setResponse(Response response) {
        this.response = response;

    public Current_observation getCurrent_observation() {
        return current_observation;

    public void setCurrent_observation(Current_observation current_observation) {
        this.current_observation = current_observation;

Generate proper getter & setter

Then in your main class create

Pojo model = new Pojo(); 

Call API & Parse the response

model = response.body(); // retrofit api call parsing

You have all your values ready to set


Simple way is to receive response as a JsonObject / JsonArray and parse it to create object with your own Model class.

So that you can avoid unwanted data, yes your code will be lengthy but its worth it. You can format and store the data. Easy to display.

Also "Opt" methods can be used instead of "Get", so NULL can be avoided.

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