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Codeigniter, Select, Result, Array Format

I'm using Codeigniter, I selected all (*) data from two tables ( country and city ). Those tables have an ID fields, when I print the result there is only one ID element in array.

The country table's fields:

  1. id;
  2. name;
  3. flag;
  4. president.

The city table's fields:

  1. id;
  2. ctry_id; (country id)
  3. name.

This is my codeigniter code:

$this->db->select('country.*, city.*');
$this->db->join('city', 'city.ctry_id = country.id', 'left');
$this->db->where('country.name', 'Tajikistan');
$qry = $this->db->get();

// Testing purpose only [do not judge ;)]
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

Expected result:

id => 1,
name => 'Tajikistan',
flag => 'tj.png',
president => 'Emomali Rahmon',
id => 1,
ctry_id => 1,
name => 'Dushanbe'

Result that I got:

id => 1,
name => 'Dushanbe',
flag => 'tj.png',
president => 'Emomali Rahmon',
ctry_id => 1

Any help will be appreciated.

I solved this 'problem' using pseudonym, or prefix for every column, for example:

The country table's fields:

The city table's fields:
    cty_ctry_id; (country id)

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