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MVC: How to display a modal popup after calling the ActionResult

I need to display a modal popup once a button is pushed, I made it with JS, but the issue that the popup is displayed before the ActionResult is executed, so I had many bugs. If I remove the JS function from the button, the page is displayed correctly, but not a popup. A full .cshtml vue.

Here is the JS part:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $('#submitupload').click(function () {
    window.open('@Url.Action("Result", "Home")', "uploadFormSuccess", 


Here is the ActionResult in the controller:

public PartialViewResult Result()
        return PartialView("uploadFormSuccess");
    catch (Exception ex)
        return PartialView("Error");

Does anybody know how to "oblige" the action of the button to go to controller first and display a modal popup?


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