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Synchronized (and volatile) not working as expected after screen off/on

I have a class with an instance that is used by two threads. The method called from one thread is:

private Object sync1 = new Object();
private int state;
protected void onEnabled()  
    synchronized (sync1){
        state = getState();
    Log.i(TAG, "onEnabled() " + state );

and from the other:

public void onF1() {
    int lState;
    synchronized (sync1){
        lState = state;
    Log.i(TAG, "onF1 state " + lState);

When starting the app, it works fine, but after turning off/on the screen by pressing the power button, I get the following output in the logcat:

16279-16788 I/MyClass: onEnabled() 1 
16279-16372 I/MyClass: onF1 state 0

The threads are much heavier, and probably they run on different cores of the device. I originally tried to use volatile for the state, and then went to synchronized. Any clues why state is not 1 in onF1 method?

Edit 1: I checked hash on classloader and it is the same before/after. The object address is also the same. I also tried to put a field breakpoint on the variable.

The second thread leaked a reference to the object, so after the turn off/on of the screen, when the Object was recreated, the threads had different instances of the class. With subsequent tests, the address of the object was different for the threads.

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