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Converting DriverVersion to Human readable format

I have searched high and low for it, could not find any documentation, I am able to get the DriverVersion as described Here . Creating and enumerating the device drives is working so there is no need to look there. The DriverVersion is a type of "DWORDLONG" . I need to convert this to Human readable format like 20.xx.xx.xx. There ain't any documentation on MSDN, or anywhere I have searched.

Any help will be appreciated.

Example value of " DriverVersion " : 1688863374327808

Code snippet, if at all its required,

                devInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
                if (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(handle, 0, &devInfo))
                         SP_DRVINFO_DATA drvInfo;
                        drvInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA);
                            int i=0;
                                if (SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(handle, &devInfo, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER, i++, &drvInfo))
                                    cout<<"Version :"<<drvInfo.DriverVersion<<endl; // Need Human Readable version here.
                            catch(std::exception ex)

You could use a ULARGE_INTEGER union, the HIWORD / LOWORD macros and string formatting utils like boost::format to do the following (untested code):

SP_DRVINFO_DATA driverInfoData;

version.QuadPart = driverInfoData.DriverVersion;

std::string versionStr = (boost::format("%s.%s.%s.%s")
    % HIWORD(version.HighPart)
    % LOWORD(version.HighPart)
    % HIWORD(version.LowPart)
    % LOWORD(version.LowPart)).str();

Following your code and to get rid of boost simply do:

std::cout << "Version: "
          << std::to_string(HIWORD(version.HighPart)) << "."
          << std::to_string(LOWORD(version.HighPart)) << "."
          << std::to_string(HIWORD(version.LowPart)) << "."
          << std::to_string(LOWORD(version.LowPart)) << std::endl;

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