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Why does c++ initialise a std::vector with zeros, but not a std::array?

Isn't it a waste of time to initialize a vector with zeros, when you don't want it?

I try this code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <array>

#define SIZE 10

int main()
#ifdef VECTOR

  std::vector<unsigned> arr(SIZE);


  std::array<unsigned, SIZE> arr;

#endif // VECTOR

  for (unsigned n : arr)
    printf("%i ", n);

  return 0;

and I get the output:

with vector

$ g++ -std=c++11 -D VECTOR test.cpp -o test && ./test 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

with an array

g++ -std=c++11  test.cpp -o test && ./test 
-129655920 32766 4196167 0 2 0 4196349 0 1136 0 

And I also try with clang++

So why zeros? And by the way, could I declare a vector without initializing it?

The more common way to declare a vector is without specifying the size:

std::vector<unsigned> arr;

This doesn't allocate any space for the vector contents, and doesn't have any initialization overhead. Elements are usually added dynamically with methods like .push_back() . If you want to allocate memory you can use reserve() :


This doesn't initialize the added elements, they're not included in the size() of the vector, and trying to read them is undefined behavior. Compare this with


which grows the vector and initializes all the new elements.

std::array , on the other hand, always allocates the memory. It implements most of the same behaviors as C-style arrays, except for the automatic decay to a pointer. This includes not initializing the elements by default.

The default allocator is doing the zero-initialization. You can use a different allocator that does not do that. I wrote an allocator that uses default construction rather than initialization when feasible. More precisely, it is an allocator-wrapper called ctor_allocator . Then I define a vector template.

dj:vector<unsigned> vec(10); does exactly what you want. It's an std::vector<unsigned> (10) that is not initialized to zeros.

--- libdj/vector.h ----
#include <libdj/allocator.h>
#include <vector>

namespace dj {
template<class T>
    using vector = std::vector<T, dj::ctor_allocator<T>>;

--- libdj/allocator.h  ----
#include <memory>

namespace dj {

template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
    class ctor_allocator : public A 
        using a_t = std::allocator_traits<A>;
        using A::A; // Inherit constructors from A

        template <typename U> struct rebind 
            using other =
                <  U, typename a_t::template rebind_alloc<U>  >;

        template <typename U>
        void construct(U* ptr)
            ::new(static_cast<void*>(ptr)) U;

        template <typename U, typename...Args>
        void construct(U* ptr, Args&&... args) 
                ptr, std::forward<Args>(args)...);

Suppose we have some class:

class MyClass {
    int value;

    MyClass() {
        value = 42;
    // other code

std::vector<MyClass> arr(10); will default construct 10 copies of MyClass , all with value = 42 .

But suppose it didn't default construct the 10 copies. Now if I wrote arr[0].some_function() , there's a problem: MyClass 's constructor has not yet run, so the invariants of the class aren't set up. I might have assumed in the implementation of some_function() that value == 42 , but since the constructor hasn't run, value has some indeterminate value. This would be a bug.

That's why in C++, there's a concept of object lifetimes . The object doesn't exist before the constructor is called, and it ceases to exist after the destructor is called. std::vector<MyClass> arr(10); calls the default constructor on every element so that all the objects exist.

It's important to note that std::array is somewhat special, since it is initialized following the rules of aggregate initialization . This means that std::array<MyClass, 10> arr; also default constructs 10 copies of MyClass all with value = 42 . However, for non-class types such as unsigned , the values will be indeterminate.

There is a way to avoid calling all the default constructors: std::vector::reserve . If I were to write:

std::vector<MyClass> arr;

The vector would allocate its backing array to hold 10 MyClass s, and it won't call the default constructors. But now I can't write arr[0] or arr[5] ; those would be out-of-bounds access into arr ( arr.size() is still 0, even though the backing array has more elements). To initialize the values, I'd have to call push_back or emplace_back :


This is often the right approach. For example, if I wanted to fill arr with random values from std::rand , I can use std::generate_n along with std::back_inserter :

std::vector<unsigned> arr;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(arr), 10, std::rand);

It's also worth noting that if I already have the values I want for arr in a container, I can just pass the begin()/end() in with the constructor:

std::vector<unsigned> arr{values.begin(), values.end()};

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