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How to use a local DTD file to parse an XML file using lxml?

I am trying to parse the DBLP data set using lxml in python. However it is giving this error:

lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Entity 'uuml' not defined, line 54, column 43

DBLP does provide a DTD file for defining entities here . How can I use that file to parse the DBLP XML document?

Here is my current code:

filename = sys.argv[1]
dtd_name = sys.argv[2]
db_name = sys.argv[3]

conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)

dblp_record_types_for_publications = ('article', 'inproceedings', 'proceedings', 'book', 'incollection',
    'phdthesis', 'masterthesis', 'www')

# read dtd
dtd = ET.DTD(dtd_name) #pylint: disable=E1101

# get an iterable
context = ET.iterparse(filename, events=('start', 'end'), load_dtd=True, #pylint: disable=E1101

# turn it into an iterator
context = iter(context)

# get the root element
event, root = next(context)

n_records_parsed = 0
for event, elem in context:
    if event == 'end' and elem.tag in dblp_record_types_for_publications:
        pub_year = None
        for year in elem.findall('year'):
            pub_year = year.text
        if pub_year is None:

        pub_title = None
        for title in elem.findall('title'):
            pub_title = title.text
        if pub_title is None:

        pub_authors = []
        for author in elem.findall('author'):
            if author.text is not None:

        # print(pub_year)
        # print(pub_title)
        # print(pub_authors)
        # insert the publication, authors in sql tables
        pub_title_sql_str = pub_title.replace("'", "''")
        pub_author_sql_strs = []
        for author in pub_authors:
            pub_author_sql_strs.append(author.replace("'", "''"))

        conn.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO publications VALUES ('{title}','{year}')".format(
        for author in pub_author_sql_strs:
            conn.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO authors VALUES ('{name}')".format(name=author))
            conn.execute("INSERT INTO authored VALUES ('{author}','{publication}')".format(author=author,


        n_records_parsed += 1
        print("No. of records parsed: {}".format(n_records_parsed))


You can add a custom URI Resolver https://lxml.de/resolvers.html :

class DTDResolver(etree.Resolver):
    def resolve(self, system_url, public_id, context):
        return self.resolve_filename(os.path.join("/path/to/dtd/file", system_url), context)


将 DTD 文件保存在与 XML 文件相同的目录中并确保 DTD 文件名与 XML 文档的 doctype 声明 ( <!DOCTYPE dblp SYSTEM "dblp.dtd"> ) 中的 DTD 文件名匹配后,如mzjn 在评论中建议,它不再给出语法错误。

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