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Why does my portfolio website take a long time to load?

When first visiting my site it stays on the splash screen for about a minute. I was wondering if it had to do with the file size of my pictures of my HTML and CSS code? You can check the HTML code by viewing the page source. I will add the CSS code if needed.

Here is my website: Tom Falzani Portfolio Website.

Whenever you meets performance issue, don't forget the network tab of your browser's developper debbuging tool. See Google Network Performance Documentation .

Here is a record of the initialisation and loading of your website, and if we take a deeper look at it, we see that the philly_scene.png file makes 6.3 MB and take 25 seconds to load and that the philly.png file makes 6.6 MB and takes 18 seconds.


To avoid this long loading time, you can try to ajust the both size of them using this link, for exemple . (Never used)
Or you can them asynchronously and deliver a first render of your website until they are actually loaded. If you're using jQuery, take a look at the .load() function , there is also many others ways to do it like the Axios Promise or the Async library if you're using Node.js

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